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Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic, currently as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand.

Google analytics also a free platform to understand your potential customer in details. Also, you can easily target user behavior. For example if you have e-commerce account and you want to target your audience that what activity your customer have done. Like if he likes your product, added in their wishlist’s, add to cart but didn’t check out.

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Google Analytics Benefits

Understand google analytics might be little bit confusing but, I will let you know that google analytics becomes best tool to understand your website structure & traffic. Also, it show from where your clients or customer are searching from which device such as mobile, table or Computer.

It is really necessary for every business that from which device customer can convert for your business. You can also see live audience on your website. This is the best tool other than 3rd party tools.

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